Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Critiquing the English Language (Part 1)

Let me paint you a picture. It's a Saturday night and I'm sitting in the lobby of my dorm playing Scrabble. I love Scrabble, don't get me wrong, but Saturday night is not Scrabble night until you're 75. Point is, Saturday + Scrabble = an unhappy me. Now as if this situation wasn't bad enough, I was LOSING! I like to think I'm a fairly good player, and yet, I saw myself staring at a large deficit. It rolls around to be my turn, and I think I've struck gold, Vaguen on a triple word score, things are going my way here, right? NO!!! It gets challenged, and apparently, it's not a word.

Vaguen, or, to make more vague, is not a word. HOW is this not a word? It simply doesn't make sense. Neither player was able to make a legitimate argument as to why it shouldn't be a word.
"It's 'more vague.'"

English is the language of options. There are countless ways to say and phrase ideas, that's what makes it great, and now you stand there and tell me vaguen is not a word because it can already be expressed in a longer, duller way? How dare you? How DARE you!?!
Somehow this point turned into a draw and we moved on to the next reason...

"It sounds too much like 'vegan.'"

Really? Are you trying to piss me off? In a language that uses "their" "there" and "they're" and "to" "too" and "two" how on Earth is it possible to make that argument? I'm not a violent person, but come on, your are asking for a swift kick to the testicles with that rebuttal. Somehow this ended the argument in their favor, and I implore any person with a sense of logic to tell me how that happened.

I finally decided to give that up and lay down vague, missing the triple word score by one tile. I select my tiles and I pull an "R". OH HAPPY DAY! I can just extend vague on my next turn and still get the triple word score. My turn comes, I play the word, CHALLENGED yet again. The dictionary is consulted (by cellphone because our society rocks like that) and vaguer is absent. I know for a fact that vaguer is a word, it simply MUST be a word, I've used it before, in conversation, in papers, and alas, it's not in the all-knowing cell phone dictionary.

These slip-ups cost me 30 points, and as a result of that loss, the game. This just isn't right.
So now I call out to all of you on the intertubes, (thank you Ron Paul) join me in my quest to legitimize vaguen and vaguer as words, and restore order to this beautiful language. And, if you don't want to do it for the sake of the language, do it for me, so I may have a retroactive Scrabble victory to save myself from the embaressment of losing a game of vocabulary to people that think vaguen shouldn't be a word because it sounds too much like vegan.


JustAnonymous said...

Where is Erin the English major??

Anonymous said...

Vaguen is not a word, but vaguer most definitely is. You should demand a regame.